Friday, June 24, 2011

I don't wanna(original)

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock
There goes the clock I'm still in shock
I'm in pain
Trigo giving me a migraine
I lie back and wonder
Why the hell am I here
Staring at a blank piece of paper
A giant jigsaw made with symbols
Waiting for a cymbal to end my pain
But it never comes, my pain
Only punctuated by endless tocks

I don't wanna live my life
For signs as cold as ice
Perverted shapes that don't give a damn
About whether I live or die
It's common sense
That life comes from the heart
Not pieces of coloured paper
What for the academics
When they never gave a shit
It was always about me
Whether I study or decided to be
Illogically lazy

Blasted blatant bombastic bastards
Alliteration ain't an academy award
Scientific scientists seldom studied, spending
Time to test textbooks
Animals actually answer
Rhetorical rhythms rhymes rules
Don't despise de dumb, dey
Screw studious students sideways
Literature learnt linking letters

Jokes weren't said thinking straight
Inventions weren't made to stay
Great men weren't born mugging books
Bimbos are known only for looks
It ain't a paradox not an irony
Why people want me study
It's in the heart
Not the paper
I don't wanna be a mugger
Let's see what'll happen

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