Friday, June 24, 2011

I don't wanna(original)

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock
There goes the clock I'm still in shock
I'm in pain
Trigo giving me a migraine
I lie back and wonder
Why the hell am I here
Staring at a blank piece of paper
A giant jigsaw made with symbols
Waiting for a cymbal to end my pain
But it never comes, my pain
Only punctuated by endless tocks

I don't wanna live my life
For signs as cold as ice
Perverted shapes that don't give a damn
About whether I live or die
It's common sense
That life comes from the heart
Not pieces of coloured paper
What for the academics
When they never gave a shit
It was always about me
Whether I study or decided to be
Illogically lazy

Blasted blatant bombastic bastards
Alliteration ain't an academy award
Scientific scientists seldom studied, spending
Time to test textbooks
Animals actually answer
Rhetorical rhythms rhymes rules
Don't despise de dumb, dey
Screw studious students sideways
Literature learnt linking letters

Jokes weren't said thinking straight
Inventions weren't made to stay
Great men weren't born mugging books
Bimbos are known only for looks
It ain't a paradox not an irony
Why people want me study
It's in the heart
Not the paper
I don't wanna be a mugger
Let's see what'll happen

Saturday, May 14, 2011

All my life I could see 
My pride my glory
Shining on clouds 
Embracing the wind 
Before you ever came in 
Like bubble I had to be 
Protected from reality 
The painful truth that finally hit 
This lonely soul inevitably 
Like a thief in the night 
The groom at midnight 
I saw by my sight 
And saw I was blind
My shining candles 
lit everything 
But my heart's void craving 


It was undeniable 
Undoubtedly Irrefutable 
The vulgar truth 
That bit at my tooth 
And forced me to look 
At all the shit I've been through 
Why did you let me feel 
Your love so surreal 
It pains heart to deal
With what is real 
But now that I see 
I cannot refuse my King


I conquered the world 
With my sweat and blood
But you captured my heart 
With your only son
Now all I have is but dust 
Unless I give you my trust
Come now my Lord
Enter this heart 
With your help 
From Earth I shall part 
My arms have failed
But I know this is fate 
To meet you and surrender my strength 

Up till now I only had none 
But you showed me the path 
Breathed life into this mound of dust
Now I owe you my mind. 
Guard my heart 
And watch my soul 
That I might not forget this love

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's day(Original)

I place my palm to my chest 
I feel the pumping heartfelt 
Emotions race to my head 
All I need is one breath 
To explain why I'm red

You gave your heart to me
In love so great and surrealistic
Simply so I could smile so sweet
And that today my words may carry meaning 
So with my mouth 
I now expound
On a mother's rainbow frown 

She tears in joy
Though her cries bring fear
She shouts her love 
But with screams discipline instills 
She frowns in distress 
And frowns to solemnly bless 
Paradoxical love 
Paired only with immaculate nerves 

I'm sorry 
I did not bring gifts of luxury 
I have only these heartfelt feelings 
Wishing you a life of happiness 
Cos you'll always be my only mummy. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's an explosion
The whole world is in confusion 
I see the metal melt then fumble
I try to get out
But the door is immobile
My seat belt holds me in submission 
I surrender. It's fate's decision 
The collision yanks eyes wide-open 
I fall by my bedside
I'm alive to die 
Again some other time

I'm walking down the street 
The heat's being a bitch
I feel like a lame puppy 
There goes a wheeling auntie
I know it's mean but we
All just stared as if she 
Was a wonderwoman walking 
Her head attacks the 
Cold concrete flooring 
Blood's spilling 
All over the street
People try to be heroic 
But their love is a hypocrite 
And she dies never knowing 
Who wonderwoman is 

Everyday I said 
I would live without regret 
Then I fall asleep 
And wake up still dead 
I know it's a vow I made 
But words are better done than said 
It's crazy how I could be so lazy 
To throw my one chance away 
Like it'll come back again 
But I forget 
That this race only has one lap

It's a meandering course 
It's no wonder I keep getting lost 
When the voices are off
When the directions are screwed up
The signs are all upside down 
And the racers are just dancing clowns 
Why won't someone upstairs 
Take an epiphany and send 
They say the road is long 
And repeats all the songs 
But they never saw 
When a car rams into a wall
It never returns 
Just disappears to dust 
And the people around 'em 
Only jerk to express disgust 

It's dangerous 
Not to mention torturous 
Like a holocaust 
Nobody escapes rebellious 
But at least we've got 
Each other's eyes to look upon 
No need to get touchy 
We'll just talk and get over it 
So come to me when you need it 
I'm here for one round so use it 
And make my life your masterpiece 
Before I lose it 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What if the one you loved 
Was just someone on the bus?
What if the one who owned you
Was behind you queuing for food? 
How could he be so kind
Just as to be mine? 
So that when I sleep at night 
I know where my fate lies

I used to think 
Just because I knew him
I had known the pain 
That he had took upon him
To make me whole again
Now I can see
That a relationship isn't by fate 
But only made 
When I saw your face

It was like a sudden bolt
Of repulsive impulses 
To know you more 
Fully knowing I might hurt the floor
That I used to stand on
But I've been irresistibly caught 
By a love so simple
Yet it seems
All I do only tears my eyes more

As I touched the scars on you
I could feel what you've been through 
Pain so beautiful 
Only cos it happened from you
Couldn't be more true
That you had used all of you
To buy a love 
That satisfied life's great truth 

It's an unmistakeable truth 
Copyrighted by the mother of all virtues
Like a forbidden fruit 
You tell yourself it's against the rules
"cost" "plans" and "profit" 
Screw all the technicalities
Tools of the indecisive 
Go to the mirror, make sure you see
Before you go criticising reality
If love was what drove the world 
Why do we bother chasing our goals?

You say you'd wait till God comes down
And experiences the nonsense of a divine clown 
How about you take a peek and then ask me 
How is God not here among the dirt? 
Cos he was here all along 
You just didn't see 
When he chose your heart to live in. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I've been sleeping way too much 
Cos I just don't see your touch 
The way I was drowned and crushed
By that unforgettable first glance 
It was like a spell you cast
On my heart and now it's just
Broken and disappeared for lust 

It's a taste that I said 
I would never show hate 
Even up till the point 
Of my breath lacking strength 
But I've ran my ass off  
To show you how just much I've lost
Just so you would smile and tell me
That that day wasn't fate 

It's unexplainable totally irreversible
Like a burning temporal flower cable
Leading to my heart, infinitely combustible 
I know the rush as well as you, you're riding a raging bull
Snatched your heart and snapped mine in two
Now we're just pathetic fools
Can't you see, why don't you feel? 
What I'm going through for you! 
If only I could choke these emotions before tearing them asses up in brazil. 
Made me who am I today 
Now all you do is break my soul when you play 
Damn it why won't your voice shut up when I lay on my bed? 

I took a dip cos they said the water was deep
But no one told me it was this thick 
Frozen like snow, all drenched in your sugar-coated words 
Limbs too cold to even move, like I'm in Alice's wonder world
I try to numb the pain by ignoring your name
But your face keeps appearing in my head 
My nerves are all gone except in my eyes 
Maybe that why I still see you every night. 
Give me your heart 
Cos I've been stand-
ing here too long 
Kneeling at your front door 
The snow is cold to my feet
You know life is tough on us
But my skin is even tougher 
I'mma show you what's love 
If you'd let me give more than hurt

They say probability is
Maxed at a hundred percent
Who was the number 
Hundred and one 
created for then? 
You know living 
Can be the biggest bitch 
You'll ever meet 
On this earth from the north 
All the way to wherever there's God 
Then let me hold you 
And we'll dip it in fondue 

Why can't you see? 
That without you 
I'm like a broken movie reel 
Why can't you feel? 
How I'm haunted by you 
Dawn and night 
Till the end of my bedtime 
Why can't you know? 
That I can't give anymo~ 
No more than a lemming 
Chasing the wind 
Following it's gut feeling 

I feel alive again 
More alive than I have ever been 
Yeah I stole that off Eminem 
But am I really at blame?  
When my mind was stolen 
In my face by yours 
Like a con artist 
You came with smiles 
And I offered up my heart 
Now I'm a broke 
Left to be lost and 
Wander this world 
Where are you when I need you? 
Come out of hiding 
And I won't be without you!

Would you(original)

I cannot sleep
Without seeing you
All my breaths
Are blown for you

With my blood 
I would run for you
With my tears 
I would dream of you

A thousand walls
 too far away
A thousand thoughts 
too close 

If only the sky 
Would touch the sea
Maybe closer would 
You and I be 

If I would hold you
Across heaven and hell
Would you hold me
With your every smile?

If I would reach out
Beyond dreams and reality 
Would you stay with me
While night caresses the day?

If I would love you
With no doubt or fear
Would you trust me
To share your every tear? 

I would. 
Would you?
Running about running wild
The stage is clear the time's mine
I don't give a damn about 
What my head doubts  
But damn how good I'm feeling now
I'm flying so high and higher still

When I believe, 
I touch the sky 
Don't look back
You know you're right 
My feet are dancing 
Like their drunk 
On adrenaline it's like a sign 

To hold your breath 
And close your eyes 
See yourself in your mind
They may say that's not you 
Like lit in mols
They're bullshitting you 
Cos when I see you 
I see Gold
Wake up snap back guess I'm alone
Sweat my blanket I'm just that slow
But hey it was only a dream 
Screaming the sopranos 
To the oblivious ceiling 
A lonely world God only knows
Found the lowest common denominator
Why did I shout the highest common factors
You reflected the sun under my lamp light
I hid in night scared of bed bug bites

You went to my face and dissed my price tag
I said all I wanted was my cash back 
So you strolled about my only heart 
All my roses you plucked out
Left your trash to litter your steps
Came like the wind amidst your your cold rain
Caressed my face and stung like cocaine
The royal ass pain 
Flush my face red

All about we ran atop your smooth hand
Teasing the wind as I watched your dancing hair 
The thorned smile enthroned at first sight 
The flashing eyes that shone moonlight 
Waited upon you beck and all
But my legs grew weary 
My eagle wings had to fall
As you flew away 
And my vision grew bleak
I woke up 
It was only just a dream
Promise me you'll never leave 
Like when you said stand by me 
Stay by me indefinitely 
Forever may we be singing free
Whatever it is can't you see
Life only last while we can breathe
Within my heart the clock beats 
When it stops forever may cease 
So lay by my side and lie to me
Love the way you lie 
Tell me till I die
Your judas kiss may sting forever 
But life only lasts till forever 

I'm wearing my suit: black and all
Your silky tears seem to call
My eyes to open and purge the flow
But my skin is cold Chilled to the bone
The casket closes off I go 
To a journey that no man knows
Watch the sky pray for rain 
You'll see my rainbow and know I'm safe
I've been through hell
But you've been my light 
So watch the sky and know I'm alright
You reap what you sow 
So I was told  
Kicked clawed by crows 
This ain't no show
But I kept moving on 
Don't shit on me 
Not while it's you I still see 

All around peeps are cursing now 
They scared they gonna get
Screwed bad now
But I'm not crying on how 
And if they'd seen 
What I would do 
They'd wish they had someone
Someone like you 

So come right back 
I'm always free 
Love ain't cheap 
But then there's me 
I've got a charity just for you 
As long as it's me 
Standing by you. 
Come on right at me 
You know how to play 
Hit me bite me 
That's the way it is 
Feel the blood see them cry
But hey they ain't gonna die

Cos sticks and stones 
Only hurt skin deep
Words and rhymes 
Only hurt out of beat
Life is a bitch 
When it's with you 
So eat your words 
And pay your dues

So what if I can't 
What if I can
You ain't that heavy 
But I'll take my chance
To carry your sea 
And sting your bees
I'll work my ass 
Not gonna crash 

Life is a choice 
I know what's mine
I'll help the needy 
All that's fine 
Just know that I'm
Not a loser like you 
I ain't afraid to say it too